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Not long ago, some friends and I started reading the Bible together, one chapter at a time. We started alternating between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Our journey eventually brought us to the book of Leviticus... almost everyone jumped ship. They were not interested. One of them told me, "The only way I'm going to read it is if you sit here and read it with me every day." That wasn't possible, so we had to devise a compromise. We ended up recording an audio version of me reading through the book of Leviticus, and it was a lot of fun. We eventually made it into a podcast. The goal is still the same. I still feel like I'm sitting down with someone over a cup of coffee and sharing what I have learned about the King who loves us so much.


The nation of Israel is poised to cross over and capture all God has promised them. It's not going to be easy, but it will be possible. Joshua is told EXACTLY how to prosper and be successful. 

(Joshua 1:7-9) Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do.Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

He is told to make two things a priority:

  • Study the Book- Read God's Word and know it.
  • Meditate on it- Keep it close in your mind and heart.  

Doing this teaches us how to apply and obey God's Word in all things. God's hope for us is to do everything He has called us to do. He wants to walk with us in everything. To do this, we must know God's Word, grow in God's Word, and apply God's Word to everyday life. We can only do this by consistently being exposed to His Truth daily.

That's where the Bible Breakdown Podcast comes in. The goal is to slowly walk through God's Word and learn as we go. As we do, we will find our lives gradually transformed by renewing our minds in His Word. I have watched it happen and know it will happen to you too.


We hope to know God more as we encounter Him through His Word. He has chosen to reveal Himself to us through His Word. That makes God's Word the most powerful and important collection of books (66 in all). The more we dig, the more we'll find. The hope is for you to know God more and who you are in Him. The more you know who you are in Him, the less this world, your insecurities, and all the things that try to steal our joy will have a hold on you. You will walk in more and more freedom every day.


1. Start listening to the Bible Breakdown Podcast every day.

The only way to grow in God's Word is to have constant, consistent daily exposure. Jump in and start where we are. Don't be in a hurry. We'll take one small step at a time. Before long, you'll be amazed and how God starts to renew your mind.

2. Join the conversation on Facebook.

The more we dig, the more we find. We want to create a community that grows in knowing God together. As we read God's Word, allow your mind to be caught up in the story of God. Then, seek out your questions, and tell us what you find.

3. Take time to apply God's Word consistently in real life.

Every 15th and 30th of the month, we have a "catch-up" day. This is to read a section you skipped or let your study take you on an adventure. We also release an extra episode to help you grow in applying God's Word to real life. It's important to read God's Word and apply it daily.


The goal of BBP is for us to know God more every day and grow in freedom along the way. Hopefully, these resources will help. We will add more along the way.

  1. Bible Study Page. For every new book we go through, there will be a short intro page to help acquaint you with the journey we are about to take.
  2. How to SOAP. The SOAP Bible study method is a highly effective form of journaling and encountering God through His Word. Give it a try and see why.
  3. Weekly Newsletter. We release a newsletter each week containing my favorite episode of the week and other resources I have discovered and want to share.
  4. Resource Page. This page has various resources I have found along the way.
  5. Share the Podcast. Have you found value in the BBP? Please share it with someone so we can grow this community.  
  6. BBP Community. We truly believe we are better together. Join the community, and so let's learn together.


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